25 novembre, 2021

LexMachina: le seul traducteur automatique qui traite directement les PDF sur des serveurs situés exclusivement en Suisse

Contrairement à d’autres professions, les avocats sont confrontés à un grand nombre de documents disponibles uniquement sur papier ou au format .pdf : jugements, mémoires de la partie adverse, pièces, anciens statuts… Nous sommes fiers d’offrir la première solution sur le marché suisse qui leur permette de traduire ces documents instantanément, sans conversion manuelle préalable.

Demander un devis

17 juin, 2021

LexMachina: Powered by HEIA-FR and Innosuisse

Meet the team behind our legaltech translation solution and receive firsthand insights from the video on our Innosuisse Datalambic project between iCoSys and Hieronymus.

12 janvier, 2021

Interview mit Language Box, den Schweizer Experten für Übersetzungsprozesse

Paula Reichenberg, Gründerin von LexMachina, gibt in ihrem Interview mit der Übersetzungsconsultingfirma Language Box einen ersten Einblick in die Funktionsweise und verrät, weshalb eine Maschine den Job eines Übersetzers trotz allem nicht ersetzen kann.

LexMachina: die Übersetzungsmaschine für Schweizer Anwälte – Language Box


10 novembre, 2020

LexMachina becomes a member of the Swiss LegalTech Association

We are proud to be a member of the legaltech community in Switzerland, helping lawyers all over the country to work more efficiently.

LexMachina is the first Neural Machine Translation (NMT) solution specialized in Swiss law and directly available to Swiss lawyers. Hosted entirely in Switzerland and following the strictest data security standards, LexMachina allows lawyers to comply with all applicable “Security by Design” requirements.

28 octobre, 2020

You missed our presentation at the 14th AMTA conference?

AMTA is one of the most important machine translation industry conferences, which brings together experts and practitioners from research, industry, and academia.

The 14th biennial conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas AMTA held virtually on October 6-9, 2020 featured three main tracks – Research, Commercial, and Government, each dedicated to a respective area in machine translation research, commercial application, and government use. Over the course of three days, AMTA brought together experts and practitioners from research, industry, and academia, who shared the latest updates on leading-edge R&D in Machine Translation and presented and discussed real-world use cases.

Hieronymus was delighted to be a speaker at AMTA 2020 Virtual.

Together with Rubén Martinez and Mārcis Pinnis from Tilde, Paula Reichenberg shared insights from developing the first neural machine translation engine for the Swiss legal and financial market.

Watch the full presentation

Read the full publication

26 octobre, 2020

Discover our Paper on Neural Machine Translation

Read how Hieronymus and Tilde created LexMachina, the first Translation engine for swiss lawyers.

15 octobre, 2020

Join LexMachina at the AMTA 2020 VIRTUAL Conference

Discover more about LexMachina’s client-centric and innovative approach at AMTA 2020 VIRTUAL, the biennial conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas. Join our 30 minute presentation “Enhance CX with Neural Machine Translation Technology” on Thursday October 8, 7 p.m. CET (10 a.m. PDT).

15 octobre, 2020

Find the best legal translator to review your machine translation

LexMachina now offers you the opportunity to order review services directly from your client interface. The translators proposed to you are selected according to the legal area of the document to be translated. Thanks to the chat function available in the interface, you can also communicate directly with the translator to ensure a result that best fits your expectations.
Find out more.

15 octobre, 2020

Discover our Swiss criminal law engine

Our Swiss criminal law sub-engine is now available. Sub-engines, classified by legal area, ensure greater terminological accuracy. Other sub-engines (financial law, tax law, articles of association, general terms and conditions, etc.) are also under development and will be made available to our clients as soon as possible.

Sign up to our newsletter to be informed about the launch of our next sub-engines.

15 octobre, 2020

Vernissage of LexMachina

We look forward to being able to celebrate the launch of LexMachina, the Translation Engine for Swiss Lawyers, as soon as the health situation allows.

Register now to be informed of the dates of the vernissage events in Zurich and Geneva.